Thursday, April 1, 2010

김창완 - "어머니와 고등어"

Kim Chang Wan - "Mother and Mackerel"

My favorite song right now. I love the guitar work and production.

Kim Chang Wan is a third of 산울림 (Sanullim : Mountain Echo). This song is taken from the 1983 album, 기타가 있는 수필(gitahga itneun supeel : An Essay with Guitar). Kim is a TV personality now and starred in the popular Coffee Prince (커피프린스 1호점) as Mr. Hong.

키보이스 : "해변으로 가요"

Extremely difficult to find any information on 키보이스 (Key Boys). To make matters worse, there seems to be an earlier band The Key Boys who were known by their fans as The Korean Beatles. This is not that band.

I want to find the lyrics to this song and more about the second Key Boys. When I do, I'll post the info here. "Let's go to the Sea Shore" sounds to me like it is in the 노래운동 (norae undong : song movement) tradition that was very popular in Korea from the late sixties until the early eighties and served to give voice to people's concerns under the oppressive military governments of 박정희 (Park Jeong-hee) and 전두환 (Jeon Doo-hwan). Korean protest songs are also known as "민중 가요" (minjung gayo : people's song).